Ova Moon is dedicated to normalizing and celebrating every stage of reproductive health.
Ova Moon is committed to helping women find symptom-free relief to hormonal changes naturally.

90% of women experience PMS
80% experience period pain
80% of women suffer from at least one symptom of menopause
73% of postmenopausal women experience hot flashes
From menstruation through menopause, we deal with discomfort, often in isolation.
Work, relationships & self-worth suffer due to misinformation, confusion, and shame, not to mention physical pain.
But we are NOT the problem!
Menstruation, menopause and the realities of birth & postpartum are taboo and silenced in the cultural narrative.
Preventative, body-positive wellness practices do not exist in mainstream health education, and are no longer passed down generationally.
The current standard of care seeks to mitigate pain instead of solving the underlying causes that lead to symptoms in the first place.
It's time to center the female experience
Our society functions solely to support the Circadian Rhythm. So what does that mean for those of us who have a menstrual cycle? What is the education we need to operate in two simultaneous rhythms?
Just like we would unlikely drink 3 cups of coffee at 9pm (because this would throw off our circadian rhythm), so too are there codes of conduct regarding diet, exercise, mindset and relating for the Menstrual cycle.
Learn more on how to sync your life with your menstrual cycle by downloading our Free Ebook.

A Message From The Founders
As the co-founders of Ova Moon, we feel strongly that menstruating people understand that their struggles are not theirs alone.
With the constant demands and stress of our economic system, soil degradation diminishing the nutrients in our food, and generations of female suppression, we are up against powers much greater than we know that lead to our body's imbalances.
It is from our own personal journeys of waking up to these injustices that we founded Ova Moon.
We hope our products can offer you the support your body needs to function optimally. We see Ova Moon as the ground floor (root chakra) of health. The menstrual cycle is a beautiful road map and feedback loop for our health if we understand her messages. Ova Moon is here to provide the education and supplementation to empower you to traverse this journey with ease.
Sincerely yours,
Ariel & Dana L.Ac
We are a hormone + cycle balancing company empowering people who menstruate to feel calm, confident, and comfortable...
even when it’s that time of the month.
If you ever experience hormonal acne, breast pain or moodiness…
If your cycles are getting in the way of your productivity...
If you’ve been looking for a safe way to alleviate cramps and discomfort...
You're not alone.